Indoor Cat Cages

Buy the best indoor cat cages selected and recommended by interior designers. By Peyton Robinson.

If for a reason you need to keep a close eye on your pet cat and keep it locked, here's a selection of indoor cat cages. They vary in size and materials used and some of them are multileveled for even more space.

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Indoor Cat Cages

Buying Guide

Indoor cat cages can be part of your overall pet care plan. While most cats prefer to be treated as family members or valued Owner of the Manse, there are times when your kitty might need to be restrained for his or her own safety and wellbeing. At such times, an indoor cat cage that is made as comfortable as possible can be a real blessing for a harried family.

Times when you might want to restrain your cat include:

  • A cat needing medication
  • Moving
  • Bringing in groceries, or taking out the trash
  • Making sure available to go to the vet
  • Introducing a new cat
  • Kitten care
  • Aged cat
  • A cat that needs to be isolated from the household

When these needs arise, you want a kitty house that will be comfortable, have room for a litter box where it can be kept well away from the food and water, and space for a comfortable bed. A caged cat might not be a happy cat, but the chances are that he or she will be a much safer cat.

The Multilevel Kitten Cage

This classic cat cage is suitable for kittens and for ferrets. Its multilevel construction makes it easy to put the litter box in the bottom level and the food and water at an upper level, with beds, slings and toys in between. It doesn’t work quite as well for older cats, especially those that might have physical difficulty climbing. It is, however, an excellent tool for restraining a very fast, very agile baby who might dash out the door during a grocery exchange or get in trouble by climbing into an inaccessible area of your home while everyone is asleep.

Wide-Based Double Door Cage

A wide-based double-door cage is better for older cats, especially those that are being restrained for reasons of health or because they have become incontinent with age. The cage is large enough to place a litter box at one side of the cage and food and water at the other with a space in-between for a comfortable bed. While your aging queen or tom might not appreciate this den at first, in a multi-cat household it can become a retreat for a senior in a household of importunate younger felines. It can also make a good place to restrain a large kitty that thinks the Other Side of Any Door is the right side, even if that dash for freedom means contending with dogs, cars and unsympathetic humans.

The Fun Feline Retreat

A fun, carpet lined multilevel house retreat can provide an area for cats of all ages to nest. Place littler boxes on a lower level, and an overflowing bowl of cat crunchies somewhere above along with an auto-watering container. If you can afford it, cats love ever-flowing fresh water as opposed to a dish of water. It wouldn’t even hurt to back an aquarium up to one side of the retreat to give your domestic kitties something to watch and bat at, but that is purely optional. Having a house of their own with different rooms and areas that are familiar makes it less traumatic to be shut inside it.

Cats love the outdoors, just as they love a house with an open floor plan. A cat cage or playpen provides the means to gently restrain and protect your darling fur companion. It can be the means of making sure that you can locate a beloved elderly cat to administer medication or special food, or to protect a lively litter of kittens from their own curiosity.

Restraining your cat is very much like the loving limits a parent might place on an extremely well-coordinated two-year-old human who has teeth, claws, an incredible sense of fun, and an insatiable curiosity. All your kitty lacks to fit this description is opposable thumbs.

Utility items for cat restraint range from a basic carrier of the sort used for transporting a cat from home to the veterinarian to spacious indoor/outdoor sunroom porches that are almost like adding a room to your house.

Key things to consider before buying are:

  • The Cat’s Age

Kittens can fit in a smaller cage that will accommodate an adult cat. Three-level kitten cages are ideal for the first ten weeks because it provides a protective barrier against other animals in the house as well a way to separate sanitary facilities from feeding spaces.

However, if the mother cat is housed with the kittens, a larger space might be needed. Furthermore, kittens will quickly outgrow a “kitten cage” so unless you do rescues or breed for show or resale, it’s an expensive investment that can only be used for a short while.

  • The Cat’s Expected Size

Adult cats can be all sorts of sizes, ranging from petite breeds such as the dwelf, munchkin or mini skin, right on up through Siberians, Ragamuffins or Main Coon cat breeds. Main Coon Cats will continue to grow until they are five years old, and the adults can grow to be as large as twenty-five pounds.

  • Area Available for Placement of the Cage

A large indoor cat cage can require rearranging the furniture, at the very least. If you have a small apartment, the space for an adult Maine Coon to be comfortable might take up as much as half a room. Even with a small cat, remember to allow room for the cat to play, and provide plenty of toys.

  • Amount of Time the Cat Will Spend in the Enclosure

If your cat will only be in the enclosure for an hour or two while you run to the grocery store it doesn’t need to be as roomy as a cage intended to restrain your fur friend while you are at work for a whole day.

In the latter case, you might consider simply designating a room as “reserved for the cat” and make it a kitty safe space.

  • Is It Indoor, Outdoor or a Combination of the Two?

Outdoor enclosures such as a porch, sunroom or roofed patio are marvelous spaces for your cat. If your home doesn’t have such a place, a sturdy cat kennel that includes its own house might be the answer. Your cat will probably be happiest with his or her indoor/outdoor if there is a cat door that will allow entry and exit from the “people house.”

Some things to keep in mind for your cat’s safety include that other animals might try to come into your cat’s space from the outside. Also, if your cat has claws, he or she can make quick work of bug screens.

For these reasons, you will want a small mesh, sturdy wire such as that used on rabbit hutches, or even a double layer of wire such as an exterior layer of welded wire to keep out invaders, and a layer of smaller mesh on the inside to keep your cat from escaping.

Yes, you certainly can. If it is to be placed outside, look for the models that include a weather-proof house at one end, even if you only plan for your cat to be in it while you do yard work or similar chores. Cats love having their own spaces and truly love having a den.

How to Make Sure the Cat Enclosure is Safe and Durable?

All cat enclosures must be durable enough to brave the claws and the elements. Outdoor enclosures with solid wooden frames will stand stable on a windy day or even when large predators try to tip it over. Metal frames, especially wrought iron and heavy duty steel are also recommendable in this respect, but they are prone to rusting. Therefore, they will require regular weather-proofing.

Most cat enclosures will be made from a wire mesh. To prevent the paws from getting caught in it, line the bottom of the cage with a plastic tray or cardboard.

Most importantly, pay attention to the quality of the metal used in making the mesh. If it's stainless steel, then 304 and 316 grades are your best choices. If it’s galvanized steel, then get one coated with PVC.

For good socialization, as little as possible, unless it is an indoor/outdoor kennel where the kitty has the freedom to go in and out. Remember, even the most loving domestic cat retains a little bit of the wild. They are tiny tigers who willingly share our homes.

Cat cages & playpens are tools for keeping your cat safe and for protecting your fine furnishings. With that said, they are short-term solutions, much like training cages for dogs. With the exception of the indoor/outdoor free access kennel, caging your cat limits the ways your darling can interact with you.

Best Ideas

Cat Condo Crate

Cat Condo Crate

Creating a protective shelter for rescued and injured cats was the main reason standing behind the creation of this functional cat condo. It features rolling 1.5" casters for easy mobility, 2 plastic shelves and of course plenty of play space.

Indoor cat cages

This pet cage is the perfect solution for anyone who wants to have a small mammal. Robust steel wire construction with plastic inserts is durable and easy to maintain cleanliness. Practical door for easy access inside.

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Rabbit cage Indoor BIG BUNNY & CAT Condo deluxe hutch pet pen w/ carpeted floors-DIY Rabbit cage idea.

Indoor cat cages 1

Multilevel cat cage, foldable, crafted from metal, dedicated for indoor use. Large double front doors that swing open make the inside easily accessible. The latches prevent opening the door from inside.

Cat Run Playpen

Cat Run Playpen

A very attractive construction for institutions that want to assure safety for cats. This cat run is also good for private owners. It is made of solid materials that are safe for cats. It also includes a solid mesh in its outside area.

Cat habitat indoor

Cat cage designed for indoor use. It is woven with metal wires. Easy to hook ladders, toys, hammocks and more. Ideal for medium sized cats. Neutral design for each room as needed.

Cat Cage Deluxe Platforms (Set of 3)

Cat Cage Deluxe Platforms (Set of 3)

It is a set that includes three cat cages with platforms. They have got solid, durable plastic construction and black finish. Your cats will be impressed how cool this set is. You need to have it.

Midwest Homes for Pets 36 inches long by 23.5 inches wide by 50.5 inches high Cat Playpen

Safe and comfortable cat cage, which protects it when it have to stay for a while in unsafe environment. Large swing-open front doors with secure door latches provide easy access to your cat and easy cleaning of the cats litter box.

3-Tier Wire Cat Cage

3-Tier Wire Cat Cage

Cat Cage/Playpen

Cat Cage/Playpen

A foldable, caged playpen equipped inside with three large plastic shelves covered with brown mat. It has four lockable, removable wheels and two doors with a safe latch closure. It was designed to create a peaceful environment for up to three cats.

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Premium Cat Home

Bloom Cat Cage

Bloom Cat Cage

This cat cage is available in two color options to choose: petal pink and powder blue. It includes movable plastic perches, a removable bottom for easy cleaning, and four locking casters.

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Made of solid wooden construction with mesh elements the indoor cat cage is an excellent way to add an impressive space for domestic cats. The whole has an unusual structure; it is robust and durable so that it will last a long time.

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