Buy the best fake wall fireplaces selected and recommended by interior designers. By Tara Gosselin.
Just for decoration and not an actual fire, these fake wall fireplaces are a elegant, if not less-than-functional idea for home decor. They look like they would be at home in a manor. With ornate craftsmanship, plenty of places to put candles or pictures, and an easy installation, your wall could profit from this lovely idea. Take a look in this collection to see what we mean.
first project Mark and I made for the shop - a custom fireplace, finished with Vermont Slate and gilding
A unique way to enhance your living room. This entertainment center has a built-in, fake fireplace with a lighting system. And it can not only be a nice focal point, but also a great idea to acquire several shelves for decorations and a well-balanced shelf for your flat screen TV.
Fake fireplace
Crawford Electric Fireplace
It's about time to creat a romantic mood in your living room while using this electric fireplace. The 1375 W electric fireplace insert comes with a patented flame technology and remote control, and it plugs into standard household outlet.
Home is Where the HEARTH is (Faux Fireplace)
White tooled columns flank fake stone facades supporting a wide, white mantle. A set of tooled iron fire dogs in the shape of trees with birds holds back the flame of two bright candles. Just like a real fireplace with less mess.
The coziness of the interior is an important aspect, so an electric fireplace with bookshelves can be a great idea. Wall decoration in the form of a fireplace allows you to introduce a warm climate to the decor, and at the same time, it is very effective.
Feature Fireplace - Kids' Bedroom Ideas - Childrens Room, Furniture, Decorating (houseandgarden.co.uk)
Nobody doubts that the fireplace emphasizes family warmth. If we do not have the opportunity to have true - we can create an fake fireplace. It can take the form like here, in white with construcion white white brick wallpaper and bright, large candles.
Shabby chic,you could make a fake fire place this way..would make a great wall treatment for a large space or bedroom..
Faux fireplace! I like the concept, not that specific design. I would also probably put candles underneath.
Builder Box Contemporary Electric Fireplace
I love this! I want one! But I can just see the preliminary conversation now... "Honey, I want to build a fake fireplace in our family room" "A What?" "A fake fireplace" "Why?" "So I can put fake lanterns in it" "Ummm... ok but only if I can have a new co
Need Lou to build this faux fireplace for Xmas so we can have a mantel to hang the stockings from!
A chic stylish wall-mounted imitation of a fireplace. It's made of material with a worn white finish. It has decorative side pillars with carvings under a thick moulding mantelpiece. An arched central panel is adorned with floral motifs.
Faux Fireplace and Mantel in White. A Shabby Chic style faux fireplace and mantel in gorgeous antique white. This is a new architectural inspired piece perfect for displaying home décor and bringing warmth to a cold room. Beautiful Victorian style moldi
Ashmead Wall Mount Fireplace
Colombus Wall-Mounted Fireplace
faux mantle... we have a fire place but no mantle in out new apartment. Want to try one of these!
Faux Stone Wall Panels for Fireplace Design Wiith Brown ...
Regency Stacked Stone Earth - another faux fireplace
Design Cheap Fireplace Ideas | Faux stone fireplaces ...
Faux Fireplace Mantel Surround » Rogue Engineer