Buy the best cedar storage chests selected and recommended by interior designers. By Chloe Hughes.
Cedar is one of the most durable woods around. Not only does it have a distinctive heavy grain giving each piece of furniture a unique look, but it is also a natural deterrent to moths and other insects. This makes it the perfect material for building furniture to house blankets and clothes. We’ve chosen the best and most attractive cedar storage chests around to help you find the right one for you.
Antique cedar roos sweetheart chest ca
This stunning storage chest was crafted probably circa 1940s... Unfortunately it didn't retain a perfect condition, the cedar wood has some cracks and scratches on it, but after some refurbishment it's sure to marvel again!
Folk Art Trunk need to refinish an old cedar chest this would be perfect
hope chest painted
Murphy cedar chest | Flickr - Photo Sharing!
Preview - Hickory and Ash Blanket Chest - Fine Woodworking Article
... Cedar-Wood-Basic-Small-Hope-Chest-Amish-Handcrafted-Cedar-Chest-30.jpg
Capacious trunk for storing beedings and others needed stuff. It is made of wood with antique finish. Perfect solution for space saving in all kinds of interiors as needed.
Cedar blanket chest plans This free woodworking plans list features a collection of chest projects for building various blanket boxes like storage and blanket chests They can also be used Build a family heirloom with free chest plans for hope chests cedar
A great rustic accent to your interiors. This cedar storage chest will enchant not only the fans of vintage or retro style. Its capacious, functional and stylish, offfering a considerable storage space for your precious treasures.
Sherwood Creations: Hope Chest Plan Article!
Cedar Chest, Plan No. 572
Our cedar chests are made of Eastern Red Ceader, sawed on our band mill and thoroughly dried. Our joinery is unique. All boards are joined
This element is a nice storage chest that features a durable wooden construction with cedar finish. It offers plenty of storage space, high durability and attractive appearance in different stylizations.
Rugged and sturdy storage cabinet. The cabinet is made from hardwood and has a polished finish. It has flat end stands. It was built for durability and will definitely stand the test of time.
Cedar Storage Chest
mission style blanket chest
Free Plans to Make a Wooden Chest. Preferably personalized.Like with our names or initials "K & L" maybe in hearts or something. I don't know, I will take what I can get. Preferably for Valentines Day. *hint hint*
Cherry Cedar Storage Chest
toy box storage bench chest seating hope chesr cedar chest on Etsy, $125.00
Solid wooden storage box or toy chest finished in our abbeywax finish
This is amazing how they remake this into something spectacular
A wonderful chest with four drawers in a stunning teak finish and the subtly decorative metal handles. The construction is primarily of Kiri wood, prized for its strength, being lightweight and reliable.
Coaster Company of America Cedar Chest - Tobacco - Storage ...
Mid-Century Danish Modern Lane Cedar Chest Hope Chest ...