Best Entryway Lighting

Buy the best best entryway lighting selected and recommended by interior designers. By Caroline Patterson.

Entry lighting is extremely important. Having a light and a switch close at hand as you enter your home or work area makes it easy to quickly place outdoor gear in its preferred location and prevents accidents. No one loves stumbling over boots or pet toys that might have been left near the door. It can also be a security measure, especially if your home security system includes surveillance cameras. Having the doorway lighted makes it easier for cameras to record activity in the area. Fixtures can be utilitarian in nature, or they can be decorative but should match the other décor.

Best Entryway Lighting

Buying Guide

The foyer is the first thing people see when they enter your house so your entryway lighting should make a statement! These foyer lighting tips will brighten any space.

The lighting in your foyer should create an inviting warmth and set the tone for the rest of the home. That means that you should take a little bit of time to consider the design, layout, wattage and style trend of your entryway lighting when designing this space.

This article will cover

  • Layout and design tips for your foyer lights
  • The best size, style, and wattage for bulbs
  • Current trends for entryway lighting and how to tie it into your home 
  • Some decor tips to tie the lighting into the rest of the space.

The design of your foyer lighting will depend mostly on the size of your entryway and the style of your house. Although you might have seen photos of large beautiful hanging lampshades, they might not tie in with the rest of your home's aesthetic! However, rest assured you can have tasteful, aesthetically pleasing lights that leave an impression even if you have a smaller space to work with.

  • If you have a small entryway, where the door leads into a closed hallway rather than a big room, then you will want to avoid large hanging chandeliers or lampshades. Instead, try looking for smaller, flatter decorative lampshades. If you are able to change the light fixtures easily, opt for semi-flush lighting so you still have some room to get creative with the lampshades without overcrowding the space.
  • For large foyers, where the door opens up into a larger room or the roof is higher than one storey, you can get creative with larger lampshades and statement pieces. Elaborate chandeliers, large-diameter spherical lights, or multi-light pendants will be your best bet.
  • For statement foyer lighting, think big, think artistic. The entryway is a unique part of the house where statement pieces will not feel too cluttered or overbearing. It is your chance to get creative with colors, textures and design features.
  • To tie it in with the rest of the entryway, pick side tables, rugs and art that are in the same color palette. For example, try matching industrial, metallic sconces with similar art frames, or wooden, earthy lampshades with dried flower arrangements and a neutral colored rug. 

It is always worth taking some time to think about the design and layout of your entryway lighting- it is the first impression people will have of your home!

Every entryway is different. So how do you know what size your foyer chandelier should be?

There are a few simple sizing rules you can follow to ensure that your lighting looks balanced. This will obviously depend on how large your foyer is.

Typically, American ceilings are 8 feet high, but you will find that more modern homes are around 9 to 10 feet. If you have a grand foyer that opens up to the second story, the ceiling will be a minimum of 17 feet high.

As a general rule, lampshades should hang at least 7 feet above the ground. That means that if you have a standard 8-foot ceiling, you will probably need to choose semi-flush lighting and much smaller lampshades.

"If you are seeking foyer lighting for low ceilings, consider a convertible or flush mount chandelier that can be mounted directly to the ceiling. These fixtures have all the spectacle of a traditional chandelier but fit more easily in low spaces."

Shades of Light

For grand foyers that reach the second-story of your home, the light should be large enough to reach the first story.

As well as the height of the foyer lighting, you need to calculate the diameter. The size of the lampshade needs to be in proportion to your space.

To calculate the diameter of your foyer light, you can use the equation from Hinkley Lighting Inc. Simply add the length and width of the foyer, and then convert it to inches - this will give you the approximate size for your lampshade.

For example, if your entryway is 8-feet by 6-feet, then your lampshade needs to have a 14-inch diameter to look balanced.

If you are looking for timeless foyer lighting trends that will stay in style for years, here are a few of the best design ideas:

  • Metallic/Industrial - The industrial decor style with its hard edges and exposed metal has become increasingly popular in modern homes, and it is coming back into lighting designs in a slightly more subtle way. For your entryway lighting, you can incorporate this popular style by choosing artistic metal sconces with rods and exposed Edison bulbs, as well as opting gold and matte black finishes.

Circle Lampshades - For a modern look in a large foyer, go for oversized circle lampshades in earthy tones.

  • Wall Sconces - Not all entryway lighting needs to overhead! If you have flush lighting that can't be changed with statement lampshades or don't have the option of changing the position of the wires, wall sconces are an on-trend option to easily update the space. An easy way to install extra lighting is to choose lights that you can plugin and then simply hang them over wall sconces that match your decor. No need for re-wiring!
  • Semi-Flush Lamp Shades - Semi-flush lighting is where the light hangs slightly away from the ceiling, but it is not hanging down like a foyer chandelier. Choosing this style will give you more freedom to tie the lighting in with your aesthetic- whether it is coastal, industrial, rustic or minimal!

"There are many light choices out there, so narrowing it down to at least a style is a great place to start. Sticking with the style you love will help you to make sure you love your lighting and will also create a more cohesive look throughout your house. "

Plank & Pillow

So what light bulbs will you need for your foyer once you have decided on the design?

  • As a general rule, calculate the square footage of the room and multiply it by 1.5. This should give you the overall wattage required for adequate lighting. For example, if you have a foyer that is 6x12 feet (72 square feet), the overall wattage will need to equal 108. So for a small entryway, two 60W should be sufficient to light the area. 

  • If you want warm lighting, go for yellow bulbs. The wattage will depend on the equation above. 

  • If you have more of a minimal, clean design aesthetic, opting for a white bulb will increase this crisp, modern feeling. Again, you will need to calculate the wattage. If you only have one overhead light, and the maximum 120W bulb is not enough, you may want to look at installing a lamp on a side table for extra lighting.

  • For exposed lighting, put in a bit of effort to find classic Edison style bulbs. Little details like these, rather than standard lightbulbs from the supermarket, will make the most impact.

"The most important things to consider while choosing a light is 1) How much natural light do you have? 2) How much light does the light fixture give off?  If you don't have a lot of natural light, you are going to want to choose a light with a lot of bulbs or is clear. But if you have a lot of windows you can choose a more decorative light option that doesn't necessarily give off a lot of light."

House of Jade Interiors

Although foyers are not designed for living in, there are still a few general lighting design mistakes you should avoid if you want ambient, effective lighting.

  • Firstly, if you have a high ceiling, you should not just have flush or recessed lighting pointing straight down. This will result in a lot of wasted energy and dark spaces. Instead, opt for hanging lampshades that have direct beams of light and allow light to come through in every direction.

  • Secondly, make sure you figure out how much light and energy it will take to adequately light the space before you focus on aesthetics. It will be a waste of money and space if you have a beautiful artistic lampshade when really you needed multiple lights.

  • Lastly, don't limit yourself to the existing entryway light fixtures. There may be several overhead lights, however adding freestanding lamps on the ground or on a side table will add to the ambiance when people enter your home. Adding lights next to any entryway mirrors adds practicality and makes the foyer look bigger.

Although foyers are not designed for living in, there are still a few general lighting design mistakes you should avoid if you want ambient, effective lighting.

  • Firstly, if you have a high ceiling, you should not just have flush or recessed lighting pointing straight down. This will result in a lot of wasted energy and dark spaces. Instead, opt for hanging lampshades that have direct beams of light and allow light to come through in every direction.

  • Secondly, make sure you figure out how much light and energy it will take to adequately light the space before you focus on aesthetics. It will be a waste of money and space if you have a beautiful artistic lampshade when really you needed multiple lights.

  • Lastly, don't limit yourself to the existing entryway light fixtures. There may be several overhead lights, however adding freestanding lamps on the ground or on a side table will add to the ambiance when people enter your home. Adding lights next to any entryway mirrors adds practicality and makes the foyer look bigger.

Take the time to find the perfect lighting for your entryway - you will thank yourself every time you come through the front door!

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